Saturday, September 18, 2010

Portion of a 12th century law text "Every Frisian is born a nobleman!

Presented here is a portion of a 12th century law text written in a poetic Scandinavian saga-style. It presents a proud people and explains the origin of the incredible freedom enjoyed by the Frisian people. Friesland was one of the only countries in Europe during the medieval period to resist feudalism, leaving the country an early form of republic. Neighbours marvelled at this, saying, "Every Frisian is born a nobleman!" (from the I-Friesland website. In the ancient Friesland subpage of Frisia and freedom. The entire text has yet to be

translated to English.

Fon Alra Fresena Fridome

It was at the time

that king Charles (Charlemagne) began to rule.

Then there was in the district of the Saxons

Liudingerus, a very strong lord.

He wanted to equip himself so strongly

that he would get king Charles' empire.

Also wanted he to do more;

He wanted to bring the strong Frisians under his authority.

He ordered in whole his realm

that he should be called mighty king.

As king Charles became aware of this,

then he was angry inside.

He announced to the Frisians

whether they with him would start a fight against the new king.

The Frisians gathered;

on this message they took a good decision.

The Frisians very strongly

went to the district of the Saxons.

The Saxon lords became aware of that;

they came to meet the Frisians on the field.

Then they fought so grimly

they slew the Saxons both the poor and the rich.

But at last

they caught the best of the Saxon lords and knights.

Those they tied so much

with strong fetters.

Then they lead them by force

where they found king Charles in his realm.

When king Charles heard

that the Saxon lords came to him all tied,

he was very glad in his mind;

he welcomed the brave Frisians.

He then took them in his palace

and served them both mead and wine.

The Frisians left the kings' court;

they arrived in their country with high praise.

So you have heard

how the strong Frisians then fared against the Saxons.

There after it occurred at a time

that the Roman lords began fight against king Charles.

They wanted recklessly

to keep the tax of the kingdom.

The king severely
announced this in whole his kingdom.

They came all together

who were in his realm, relatives and foreigners.

As the Frisians heard this news

they came to the kings court without being asked.

There they came in useful

because they had the courage of a brave lioness.

There they spoke to the king heroically

they would fight alone against the Roman lords for the empire.

They took the sharp swords in their hands and

placed themselves in front of the castle.

The lords inside the castle saw this;

they went to fight against the Frisians on the field.

An ordeal was begun;

many valuable fighter was then there slain.

Then at that moment

the Frisians violently began to fight upon the lords.

Frightened the lords then looked back and

all of them flew quickly to the castle.

The Frisians followed with determined mind,

that they would win the castle with force.

But at last

they won the castle and the best of the lords.

People began to close the gates,

but king Charles and his troops were outside.

The Frisians took a decision;

they would give king Charles both castle and garrison.

The king thought to himself

how he should repay the brave Frisians with some goods

for this enormous action.

First of all he gave them

a great gift.

Twenty coins of fiery red gold

that the Frisians should give the empire yearly as tax

That gift that he gave the Frisians,

that should always and forever endure.

Besides he commanded imperially

that no lord should force them by power.

Unless it were that they would do it by their own free will

that they would accept a lord.

But I don't think to myself,

that they by own will would recognize a lord.

The king was not satisfied with this order,

the authority of the holy pope he added to it.

He then asked it the pope

that he would put the Frisians under clerical rule.

He forever excommunicated all those

that the Frisians caused any trouble.

There commanded king Charles publicly that

the Frisians should choose new judges every year.

He put the imperial crown on their head,

therefore he ordered to shave them.

But if they did not want to do that,

they were allowed to let their hair grow freely.

that all people might see then

that he has made them free.

He commanded them then kingly,

all Frisians that were strong and rich,

that they should receive an accolade on their white neck;

After that he should always be knight.

He should carry a very nice weapon;

on his shield he should paint the royal crown.

That he this gift had given the Frisians for ever

for that he took to witness kings and dukes

and many other high men.

But at last,

That the descendents should know forever,

in the letters it was written

about the gifts, that nothing should be forgotten.

The seal was of fiery red gold,

that all people should know that this gift should exist forever.

This letter they gave the free Frisian in his hand.

With pride and with honour he went back to his own free country.

In this way all people may understand

that king Charles the Frisians

has made free because of that strong fight.

blogged by KaBrook 9th generation,  CESARIUS FRIES born 1777

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