Saturday, September 18, 2010



The Franks and Frisians had long been rivals. The Franks had enjoyed the favour of the Popes in

Rome since the conversion of Clovis in 496 and were seen as the natural successors to a Catholic

version of the old Roman Empire. Charlemagne spent most of his reign conquering neighbouring

tribes and defeated the Frisians, one of the last pagan groups left in Europe, whom he forcibly


Besides the expansion of the Frankish empire, Charlemagne was noted for his endorsement of a

liberal education. He had great admiration for learned scholars and, in fact, scholars at his

court developed Carolingian miniscule, a script that is the basis for modern printing and cursive.

“He most zealously cultivated the liberal arts, held those who taught them in great esteem, and

conferred great honors upon them. He took lessons in grammar of the deacon Peter of Pisa, at

that time an aged man. Another deacon, Albin of Britain, surnamed Alcuin, a man of Saxon

extraction, who was the greatest scholar of the day, was his teacher in other branches of

learning. The King spent much time and labour with him studying rhetoric, dialectics, and

especially astronomy; he learned to reckon, and used to investigate the motions of the heavenly

bodies most curiously, with an intelligent scrutiny. He also tried to write, and used to keep tablets

and blanks in bed under his pillow, that at leisure hours he might accustom his hand to form the

letters; however, as he did not begin his efforts in due season, but late in life, they met with ill

success.” (Einhard)

Almost half of Charlemagne’s 47 year reign was spent on the campaign trail. He nearly doubled

the empire that his grandfather and father had built. The plunder and land that he acquired

through battle were needed to satisfy the greed of his landed nobles.

Expansion of the Frankish Empire

Europe at the time of Charlemagne measured wealth in terms of land and so its acquisition was the

chief end of the landed magnates. Charlemagne’s government was loosely centralized and relied

upon the loyalty of the nobles and Charles knew that his dukes and counts had a tendency to act

independently of him. To counter this he employed Missi Dominici. These officials were sent out

two by two, one lay, one clergy, on yearly trips through the kingdom. These men were responsible

for spreading the king’s law and hearing legal cases as well as establishing schools for children

regardless of background. They were supposed to be impartial and could not be employed in the

same region twice or serve in their homeland. However, at the time of Charlemagne's death in

814, the system was beginning to break down as corruption flourished and local magnates began to

assume more power.

Charlemagne crowned as Holy Roman Emperor

In 800 on Christmas Day, Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor. The Pope had been

rescued by Charlemagne and credited him with saving Rome. The Frankish Royal Annals record that

one of the king's advisers suggested the coronation to the pope; however, Einhard, his biographer

and a scholar at his court, reports that the coronation surprised and angered the king. This

illustrates the unique marriage between church and state at the time. It was possible that

Charlemagne considered the Pope his subject and not the other way around. It was common for

him to adopt and shed the morality of the church as he saw fit, as evidenced by his numerous


The merger of Catholicism and paganism in medieval Europe

The church at this time was respected amongst the landed magnates, most likely because of its

large land holdings. However, the ‘pagans’ that inhabited much of Western and Northern Europe

had only recently adopted Catholicism. They sought to replace their spiritual needs with aspects

of the church that paralleled their old religion. In essence it was paganism with a thin Christian

veneer. The worship of saints flourished as a sort of protection from demons and the ill will of

spirit beings. Churches eagerly sought to acquire relics and individuals often placed splinters of

bone in a small bag to be worn about the neck. In fact, Rome had to move many of the bones of

its martyrs and saints into the inner city and issue the death penalty against desecrating holy

tombs in order to deter relic merchants.

Charlemagne was buried at Aix-la-Chappelle, or Aachen. Antipope Pascal III "canonized" him at

the request of Frederick Barbarise in 1165, and the familiar golden statue is his reliquary. And

like any great empire builder, his legend continues to grow; there are those who believe that

Charlemagne himself will be back to battle the anti-Christ.

Portion of a 12th century law text "Every Frisian is born a nobleman!

Presented here is a portion of a 12th century law text written in a poetic Scandinavian saga-style. It presents a proud people and explains the origin of the incredible freedom enjoyed by the Frisian people. Friesland was one of the only countries in Europe during the medieval period to resist feudalism, leaving the country an early form of republic. Neighbours marvelled at this, saying, "Every Frisian is born a nobleman!" (from the I-Friesland website. In the ancient Friesland subpage of Frisia and freedom. The entire text has yet to be

translated to English.

Fon Alra Fresena Fridome

It was at the time

that king Charles (Charlemagne) began to rule.

Then there was in the district of the Saxons

Liudingerus, a very strong lord.

He wanted to equip himself so strongly

that he would get king Charles' empire.

Also wanted he to do more;

He wanted to bring the strong Frisians under his authority.

He ordered in whole his realm

that he should be called mighty king.

As king Charles became aware of this,

then he was angry inside.

He announced to the Frisians

whether they with him would start a fight against the new king.

The Frisians gathered;

on this message they took a good decision.

The Frisians very strongly

went to the district of the Saxons.

The Saxon lords became aware of that;

they came to meet the Frisians on the field.

Then they fought so grimly

they slew the Saxons both the poor and the rich.

But at last

they caught the best of the Saxon lords and knights.

Those they tied so much

with strong fetters.

Then they lead them by force

where they found king Charles in his realm.

When king Charles heard

that the Saxon lords came to him all tied,

he was very glad in his mind;

he welcomed the brave Frisians.

He then took them in his palace

and served them both mead and wine.

The Frisians left the kings' court;

they arrived in their country with high praise.

So you have heard

how the strong Frisians then fared against the Saxons.

There after it occurred at a time

that the Roman lords began fight against king Charles.

They wanted recklessly

to keep the tax of the kingdom.

The king severely
announced this in whole his kingdom.

They came all together

who were in his realm, relatives and foreigners.

As the Frisians heard this news

they came to the kings court without being asked.

There they came in useful

because they had the courage of a brave lioness.

There they spoke to the king heroically

they would fight alone against the Roman lords for the empire.

They took the sharp swords in their hands and

placed themselves in front of the castle.

The lords inside the castle saw this;

they went to fight against the Frisians on the field.

An ordeal was begun;

many valuable fighter was then there slain.

Then at that moment

the Frisians violently began to fight upon the lords.

Frightened the lords then looked back and

all of them flew quickly to the castle.

The Frisians followed with determined mind,

that they would win the castle with force.

But at last

they won the castle and the best of the lords.

People began to close the gates,

but king Charles and his troops were outside.

The Frisians took a decision;

they would give king Charles both castle and garrison.

The king thought to himself

how he should repay the brave Frisians with some goods

for this enormous action.

First of all he gave them

a great gift.

Twenty coins of fiery red gold

that the Frisians should give the empire yearly as tax

That gift that he gave the Frisians,

that should always and forever endure.

Besides he commanded imperially

that no lord should force them by power.

Unless it were that they would do it by their own free will

that they would accept a lord.

But I don't think to myself,

that they by own will would recognize a lord.

The king was not satisfied with this order,

the authority of the holy pope he added to it.

He then asked it the pope

that he would put the Frisians under clerical rule.

He forever excommunicated all those

that the Frisians caused any trouble.

There commanded king Charles publicly that

the Frisians should choose new judges every year.

He put the imperial crown on their head,

therefore he ordered to shave them.

But if they did not want to do that,

they were allowed to let their hair grow freely.

that all people might see then

that he has made them free.

He commanded them then kingly,

all Frisians that were strong and rich,

that they should receive an accolade on their white neck;

After that he should always be knight.

He should carry a very nice weapon;

on his shield he should paint the royal crown.

That he this gift had given the Frisians for ever

for that he took to witness kings and dukes

and many other high men.

But at last,

That the descendents should know forever,

in the letters it was written

about the gifts, that nothing should be forgotten.

The seal was of fiery red gold,

that all people should know that this gift should exist forever.

This letter they gave the free Frisian in his hand.

With pride and with honour he went back to his own free country.

In this way all people may understand

that king Charles the Frisians

has made free because of that strong fight.

blogged by KaBrook 9th generation,  CESARIUS FRIES born 1777

TACITUS: The Tribes of GERMANIA 69 A.D...Frisians, an original Germanic tribe first documented by historians in the days of the ancient Roman Empire.

The goal is to preserve the story of the freedom-loving Frisians, an original Germanic tribe first documented by historians in the days of the ancient Roman Empire.

TACITUS: The Tribes of GERMANIA 69 A.D.

Tacitus goes on to give a geographical account of the locations of the main German tribes. The following, which completes the text of the Germania, is from an 18th-century different translation by Thomas Gordon. Out of this host of Germanic groups the Frisians are the only one that has preserved its ancient name.

I shall now deduce the institutions and usages of the several people, as far as they vary one from another, as also an account of what nations from thence removed, to settle themselves in Gaul.


That the Gauls were in times past more puissant and formidable, is related by the Prince of authors, the deified Julius [ie Julius Caesar] and hence it is probable that they too have passed into Germany. For what a small obstacle must be a river, to restrain any nation, as each grew more potent, from seizing or changing habitations; when as yet all habitations were common, and not parted or appropriated by the founding and terror of Monarchies? The region therefore between the Hercynian Forest and the rivers Moenus [ie Main] and Rhine, was occupied by the Helvetians; as was that beyond it by the Boians, both nations of Gaul. There still remains a place called Boiemum, which denotes the primitive name and antiquity of the country, although the inhabitants have been changed. But whether the Araviscans are derived from the Osians, a nation of Germans passing into Pannonia, or the Osians from the Araviscans removing from thence into Germany, is a matter undecided; since they both still use the language, the same customs and the same laws. For, as of old they lived alike poor and alike free, equal proved the evils and advantages on each side the river, and common to both people. The Treverians and Nervians aspire passionately to the reputation of being descended from the Germans; since by the glory of this original, they would escape all imputation of resembling the Gauls in person and effeminacy. Such as dwell upon the bank of the Rhine, the Vangiones, the Tribocians, and the Nemetes, are without doubt all Germans. The Ubians are ashamed of their original; though they have a particular honour to boast, that of having merited an establishment as a Roman Colony, and still delight to be called Agrippinensians, after the name of their founder: they indeed formerly came from beyond the Rhine, and, for the many proofs of their fidelity, were settled upon the very bank of the river; not to be there confined or guarded themselves, but to guard and defend that boundary against the rest of the Germans.
Batavians *(The Ancestors of the Dutch)

Of all these nations, the Batavians are the most signal in bravery. They inhabit not much territory upon the Rhine, but possess an island in it. They were formerly part of the Cattans, and by means of feuds at home removed to these dwellings; whence they might become a portion of the Roman Empire. With them this honour still remains, as also the memorials of their ancient association with us: for they are not under the contempt of paying tribute, nor subject to be squeezed by the farmers of the revenue. Free from all impositions and payments, and only set apart for the purposes of fighting, they are reserved wholly for the wars, in the same manner as a magazine of weapons and armour. Under the same degree of homage are the nation of the Mattiacians. For such is the might and greatness of the Roman People, as to have carried the awe and esteem of their Empire beyond the Rhine and the ancient boundaries. Thus the Mattiacians, living upon the opposite banks, enjoy a settlement and limits of their own; yet in spirit and inclination are attached to us: in other things resembling the Batavians, save that as they still breathe their original air, still possess their primitive soil, they are thence inspired with superior vigour and keenness. Amongst the people of Germany I would not reckon those who occupy the lands which are under decimation, though they be such as dwell beyond the Rhine and the Danube. By several worthless and vagabond Gauls, and such as poverty rendered daring, that region was seized as one belonging to no certain possessor: afterwards it became a skirt of the Empire and part of a province, upon the enlargement of our bounds and the extending of our garrisons and frontier.

Beyond these are the Cattans, whose territories begin at the Hercynian Forest, and consist not of such wide and marshy plains, as those of the other communities contained within the vast compass of Germany; but produce ranges of hills, such as run lofty and contiguous for a long tract, then by degrees sink and decay. Moreover the Hercynian Forest attends for a while its native Cattans, then suddenly forsakes them. This people are distinguished with bodies more hardy and robust, compact limbs, stern countenances, and greater vigour of spirit. For Germans, they are men of much sense and address. [Footnote: "Leur intelligence et leur finesse etonnent, dans des Germains."] They dignify chosen men, listen to such as are set over them, know how to preserve their post, to discern occasions, to rebate their own ardour and impatience; how to employ the day, how to entrench themselves by night. They account fortune amongst things slippery and uncertain, but bravery amongst such as are never-failing and secure; and, what is exceeding rare nor ever to be learnt but by a wholesome course of discipline, in the conduct of the general they repose more assurance than in the strength of the army. Their whole forces consist of foot, who besides their arms carry likewise instruments of iron and their provisions. You may see other Germans proceed equipped to battle, but the Cattans so as to conduct a war.[Footnote 10: "Alios ad proelium ire videas, Chattos ad bellum."] They rarely venture upon excursions or casual encounters. It is in truth peculiar to cavalry, suddenly to conquer, or suddenly to fly. Such haste and velocity rather resembles fear. Patience and deliberation are more akin to intrepidity.
Moreover a custom, practised indeed in other nations of Germany, yet very rarely and confined only to particulars more daring than the rest, prevails amongst the Cattans by universal consent. As soon as they arrive to maturity of years, they let their hair and beards continue to grow, nor till they have slain an enemy do they ever lay aside this form of countenance by vow sacred to valour. Over the blood and spoil of a foe they make bare their face. They allege, that they have now acquitted themselves of the debt and duty contracted by their birth, and rendered themselves worthy of their country, worthy of their parents. Upon the spiritless, cowardly and unwarlike, such deformity of visage still remains.[Footnote: "Manet squalor."] All the most brave likewise wear an iron ring (a mark of great dishonour this in that nation) and retain it as a chain; till by killing an enemy they become released. Many of the Cattans delight always to bear this terrible aspect; and, when grown white through age, become awful and conspicuous by such marks, both to the enemy and their own countrymen. By them in all engagements the first assault is made: of them the front of the battle is always composed, as men who in their looks are singular and tremendous. For even during peace they abate nothing in the grimness and horror of their countenance. They have no house to inhabit, no land to cultivate, nor any domestic charge or care. With whomsoever they come to sojourn, by him they are maintained; always very prodigal of the substance of others, always despising what is their own, till the feebleness of old age overtakes them, and renders them unequal to the efforts of such rigid bravery.

Usipians and Tencterians

Next to the Cattans, dwell the Usipians and Tencterians; upon the Rhine now running in a channel uniform and certain, such as suffices for a boundary. The Tencterians, besides their wonted glory in war, surpass in the service and discipline of their cavalry. Nor do the Cattans derive higher applause from their foot, than the Tencterians from their horse. Such was the order established by their forefathers, and what their posterity still pursue. From riding and exercising of horses, their children borrow their pastimes; in this exercise the young men find matter for emulating one another, and in this the old men take pleasure to persevere. Horses are by the father bequeathed as part of his household and family, horses are conveyed amongst the rights of succession, and as such the son receives them; but not the eldest son, like other effects, by priority of birth, but he who happens to be signal in boldness and superior in war.


Contiguous to the Tencterians formerly dwelt the Bructerians, in whose room it is said the Chamavians and Angrivarians are now settled; they who expulsed and almost extirpated the Bructerians, with the concurrence of the neighbouring nations: whether in detestation of their arrogance, or allured by the love of spoil, or through the special favour of the Gods towards us Romans. They in truth even vouchsafed to gratify us with the sight of the battle. In it there fell above sixty thousand souls, without a blow struck by the Romans; but, what is a circumstance still more glorious, fell to furnish them with a spectacle of joy and recreation. May the Gods continue and perpetuate amongst these nations, if not any love for us, yet by all means this their animosity and hate towards each other: since whilst the destiny of the Empire thus urges it, fortune cannot more signally befriend us, than in sowing strife amongst our foes.


The Angrivarians and Chamavians are enclosed behind, by the Dulgibinians and Chasuarians; and by other nations not so much noted: before, the Frisians face them. The country of Frisia is divided into two; called the greater and lesser, according to the measure of their strength. Both nations stretch along the Rhine, quite to the ocean; and surround vast lakes such as once have borne Roman fleets. We have moreover even ventured out from thence into the ocean, and upon its coasts common fame has reported the pillars of Hercules to be still standing: whether it be that Hercules ever visited these parts, or that to his renowned name we are wont to ascribe whatever is grand and glorious everywhere. Neither did Drusus who made the attempt, want boldness to pursue it: but the roughness of the ocean withstood him, nor would suffer discoveries to be made about itself, no more than about Hercules. Thenceforward the enterprise was dropped: nay, more pious and reverential it seemed, to believe the marvellous feats of the Gods than to know and to prove them. [Footnote: "Coelum ipsum petimus stultitia."]


Hitherto, I have been describing Germany towards the west. To the northward, it winds away with an immense compass. And first of all occurs the nation of the Chaucians: who though they begin immediately at the confines of the Frisians, and occupy part of the shore, extend so far as to border upon all the several people whom I have already recounted; till at last, by a Circuit, they reach quite to the boundaries of the Cattans. A region so vast, the Chaucians do not only possess but fill; a people of all the Germans the most noble, such as would rather maintain their grandeur by justice than violence. They live in repose, retired from broils abroad, void of avidity to possess more, free from a spirit of domineering over others. They provoke no wars, they ravage no countries, they pursue no plunder. Of their bravery and power, the chief evidence arises from hence, that, without wronging or oppressing others, they are come to be superior to all. Yet they are all ready to arm, and if an exigency require, armies are presently raised, powerful and abounding as they are in men and horses; and even when they are quiet and their weapons laid aside, their credit and name continue equally high.


Along the side of the Chaucians and Cattans dwell the Cheruscans; a people who finding no enemy to rouse them, were enfeebled by a peace over lasting and uniform, but such as they failed not to nourish. A conduct which proved more pleasing than secure; since treacherous is that repose which you enjoy amongst neighbours that are very powerful and very fond of rule and mastership. When recourse is once had to the sword, modesty and fair dealing will be vainly pleaded by the weaker; names these which are always assumed by the stronger. Thus the Cheruscans, they who formerly bore the character of good and upright, are now called cowards and fools; and the fortune of the Cattans who subdued them, grew immediately to be wisdom. In the ruin of the Cheruscans, the Fosians, also their neighbours, were involved; and in their calamities bore an equal share, though in their prosperity they had been weaker and less considered.


In the same winding tract of Germany live the Cimbrians, close to the ocean; a community now very small, but great in fame. Nay, of their ancient renown, many and extensive are the traces and monuments still remaining; even their entrenchments upon either shore, so vast in compass that from thence you may even now measure the greatness and numerous bands of that people, and assent to the account of an army so mighty. It was on the six hundred and fortieth year of Rome, when of the arms of the Cimbrians the first mention was made, during the Consulship of Caecilius Metellus and Papirius Carbo. If from that time we count to the second Consulship of the Emperor Trajan, the interval comprehends near two hundred and ten years; so long have we been conquering Germany. In a course of time, so vast between these two periods, many have been the blows and disasters suffered on each side. In truth neither from the Samnites, nor from the Carthaginians, nor from both Spains, nor from all the nations of Gaul, have we received more frequent checks and alarms; nor even from the Parthians: for, more vigorous and invincible is the liberty of the Germans than the monarchy of the Arsacides. Indeed, what has the power of the East to allege to our dishonour; but the fall of Crassus, that power which was itself overthrown and abased by Ventidius, with the loss of the great King Pacorus bereft of his life? But by the Germans the Roman People have been bereft of five armies, all commanded by Consuls; by the Germans, the commanders of these armies, Carbo, and Cassius, and Scaurus Aurelius, and Servilius Caepio, as also Marcus Manlius, were all routed or taken: by the Germans even the Emperor Augustus was bereft of Varus and three legions. Nor without difficulty and loss of men were they defeated by Caius Marius in Italy, or by the deified Julius in Gaul, or by Drusus or Tiberius or Germanicus in their native territories. Soon after, the mighty menaces of Caligula against them ended in mockery and derision. Thenceforward they continued quiet, till taking advantage of our domestic division and civil wars, they stormed and seized the winter entrenchments of the legions, and aimed at the dominion of Gaul; from whence they were once more expulsed, and in the times preceding the present, we gained a triumph over them rather than a victory.


I must now proceed to speak of the Suevians, who are not, like the Cattans and Tencterians, comprehended in a single people; but divided into several nations all bearing distinct names, though in general they are entitled Suevians, and occupy the larger share of Germany. This people are remarkable for a peculiar custom, that of twisting their hair and binding it up in a knot. It is thus the Suevians are distinguished from the other Germans, thus the free Suevians from their slaves. In other nations, whether from alliance of blood with the Suevians, or, as is usual, from imitation, this practice is also found, yet rarely, and never exceeds the years of youth. The Suevians, even when their hair is white through age, continue to raise it backwards in a manner stern and staring; and often tie it upon the top of their head only. That of their Princes, is more accurately disposed, and so far they study to appear agreeable and comely; but without any culpable intention. For by it, they mean not to make love or to incite it: they thus dress when proceeding to war, and deck their heads so as to add to their height and terror in the eyes of the enemy.


Of all the Suevians, the Semnones recount themselves to be the most ancient and most noble. The belief of their antiquity is confirmed by religious mysteries. At a stated time of the year, all the several people descended from the same stock, assemble by their deputies in a wood; consecrated by the idolatries of their forefathers, and by superstitious awe in times of old. There by publicly sacrificing a man, they begin the horrible solemnity of their barbarous worship. To this grove another sort of reverence is also paid. No one enters it otherwise than bound with ligatures, thence professing his subordination and meanness, and the power of the Deity there. If he fall down, he is not permitted to rise or be raised, but grovels along upon the ground. And of all their superstition, this is the drift and tendency; that from this place the nation drew their original, that here God, the supreme Governor of the world, resides, and that all things else whatsoever are subject to him and bound to obey him. The potent condition of the Semnones has increased their influence and authority, as they inhabit an hundred towns; and from the largeness of their community it comes, that they hold themselves for the head of the Suevians.


What on the contrary ennobles the Langobards is the smallness of their number, for that they, who are surrounded with very many and very powerful nations, derive their security from no obsequiousness or plying; but from the dint of battle and adventurous deeds. There follow in order the Reudignians, and Aviones, and Angles, and Varinians, and Eudoses, and Suardones and Nuithones; all defended by rivers or forests. Nor in one of these nations does aught remarkable occur, only that they universally join in the worship of Herthum; that is to say, the Mother Earth. Her they believe to interpose in the affairs of man, and to visit countries. In an island of the ocean stands the wood Castum: in it is a chariot dedicated to the Goddess, covered over with a curtain, and permitted to be touched by none but the Priest. Whenever the Goddess enters this her holy vehicle, he perceives her; and with profound veneration attends the motion of the chariot, which is always drawn by yoked cows. Then it is that days of rejoicing always ensue, and in all places whatsoever which she descends to honour with a visit and her company, feasts and recreation abound. They go not to war; they touch no arms; fast laid up is every hostile weapon; peace and repose are then only known, then only beloved, till to the temple the same priest reconducts the Goddess when well tired with the conversation of mortal beings. Anon the chariot is washed and purified in a secret lake, as also the curtains; nay, the Deity herself too, if you choose to believe it. In this office it is slaves who minister, and they are forthwith doomed to be swallowed up in the same lake. Hence all men are possessed with mysterious terror; as well as with a holy ignorance what that must be, which none see but such as are immediately to perish. Moreover this quarter of the Suevians stretches to the middle of Germany.


The community next adjoining, is that of the Hermondurians; (that I may now follow the course of the Danube, as a little before I did that of the Rhine) a people this, faithful to the Romans. So that to them alone of all the Germans, commerce is permitted; not barely upon the bank of the Rhine, but more extensively, and even in that glorious colony in the province of Rhoetia. They travel everywhere at their own discretion and without a guard; and when to other nations, we show no more than our arms and encampments, to this people we throw open our houses and dwellings, as to men who have no longing to possess them. In the territories of the Hermondurians rises the Elbe, a river very famous and formerly well known to us; at present we only hear it named.


Close by the Hermondurians reside the Nariscans, and next to them the Marcomanians and Quadians. Amongst these the Marcomanians are most signal in force and renown; nay, their habitation itself they acquired by their bravery, as from thence they formerly expulsed the Boians. Nor do the Nariscans or Quadians degenerate in spirit. Now this is as it were the frontier of Germany, as far as Germany is washed by the Danube. To the times within our memory the Marcomanians and Quadians were governed by kings, who were natives of their own, descended from the noble line of Maroboduus and Tudrus. At present they are even subject to such as are foreigners. But the whole strength and sway of their kings is derived from the authority of the Romans. From our arms, they rarely receive any aid; from our money very frequently.

Marsignians, etc

Nor less powerful are the several people beyond them; namely, the Marsignians, the Gothinians, the Osians and the Burians, who altogether enclose the Marcomanians and Quadians behind. Of those, the Marsignians and the Burians in speech and dress resemble the Suevians. From the Gallic language spoken by the Gothinians, and from that of Pannonia by the Osians, it is manifest that neither of these people are Germans; as it is also from their bearing to pay tribute. Upon them as upon aliens their tribute is imposed, partly by the Sarmatians, partly by the Quadians. The Gothinians, to heighten their disgrace, are forced to labour in the iron mines. By all these several nations but little level country is possessed: they are seated amongst forests, and upon the ridges and declivities of mountains. For, Suevia is parted by a continual ridge of mountains; beyond which, live many distinct nations. Of these the Lygians are most numerous and extensive, and spread into several communities. It will suffice to mention the most puissant; even the Arians, Helvicones, Manimians; Elysians and Naharvalians. Amongst the Naharvalians is shown a grove, sacred to devotion extremely ancient. Over it a Priest presides apparelled like a woman; but according to the explication of the Romans, 'tis Castor and Pollux who are here worshipped. This Divinity is named Alcis. There are indeed no images here, no traces of an extraneous superstition: yet their devotion is addressed to young men and to brothers. Now the Aryans, besides their forces, in which they surpass the several nations just recounted, are in their persons stern and truculent; and even humour and improve their natural grimness and ferocity by art and time. They wear black shields, their bodies are painted black, they choose dark nights for engaging in battle; and by the very awe and ghastly hue of their army, strike the enemy with dread, as none can bear this their aspect so surprising and as it were quite infernal. For, in all battles the eyes are vanquished first.


Beyond the Lygians dwell the Gothones, under the rule of a King; and thence held in subjection somewhat stricter than the other German nations, yet not so strict as to extinguish all their liberty. Immediately adjoining are the Rugians and Lemovians upon the coast of the ocean, and of these several nations the characteristics are a round shield, a short sword and kingly government. Next occur the communities of the Suiones, situated in the ocean itself; and besides their strength in men and arms, very powerful at sea. The form of their vessels varies thus far from ours, that they have prows at each end, so as to be always ready to row to shore without turning nor are they moved by sails, nor on their sides have benches of oars placed, but the rowers ply here and there in all parts of the ship alike, as in some rivers is done, and change their oars from place to place, just as they shift their course hither or thither. To wealth also, amongst them, great veneration is paid, and thence a single ruler governs them, without all restriction of power, and exacting unlimited obedience. Neither here, as amongst other nations of Germany, are arms used indifferently by all, but shut up and warded under the care of a particular keeper, who in truth too is always a slave: since from all sudden invasions and attacks from their foes, the ocean protects them: besides that armed bands, when they are not employed, grow easily debauched and tumultuous. The truth is, it suits not the interest of an arbitrary Prince, to trust the care and power of arms either with a nobleman or with a freeman, or indeed with any man above the condition of a slave.


Beyond the Suiones is another sea, one very heavy and almost void of agitation; and by it the whole globe is thought to be bounded and environed, for that the reflection of the sun, after his setting, continues till his rising, so bright as to darken the stars. To this, popular opinion has added, that the tumult also of his emerging from the sea is heard, that forms divine are then seen, as likewise the rays about his head. Only thus far extend the limits of nature, if what fame says be true. Upon the right of the Suevian Sea the Aestyan nations reside, who use the same customs and attire with the Suevians; their language more resembles that of Britain. They worship the Mother of the Gods. As the characteristic of their national superstition, they wear the images of wild boars. This alone serves them for arms, this is the safeguard of all, and by this every worshipper of the Goddess is secured even amidst his foes. Rare amongst them is the use of weapons of iron, but frequent that of clubs. In producing of grain and the other fruits of the earth, they labour with more assiduity and patience than is suitable to the usual laziness of Germans. Nay, they even search the deep, and of all the rest are the only people who gather amber. They call it glasing, and find it amongst the shallows and upon the very shore. But, according to the ordinary incuriosity and ignorance of Barbarians, they have neither learnt, nor do they inquire, what is its nature, or from what cause it is produced. In truth it lay long neglected amongst the other gross discharges of the sea; till from our luxury, it gained a name and value. To themselves it is of no use: they gather it rough, they expose it in pieces coarse and unpolished, and for it receive a price with wonder. You would however conceive it to be a liquor issuing from trees, for that in the transparent substance are often seen birds and other animals, such as at first stuck in the soft gum, and by it, as it hardened, became quite enclosed. I am apt to believe that, as in the recesses of the East are found woods and groves dropping frankincense and balms, so in the isles and continent of the West such gums are extracted by the force and proximity of the sun; at first liquid and flowing into the next sea, then thrown by winds and waves upon the opposite shore. If you try the nature of amber by the application of fire, it kindles like a torch; and feeds a thick and unctuous flame very high scented, and presently becomes glutinous like pitch or rosin.


Upon the Suiones, border the people Sitones; and, agreeing with them in all other things, differ from them in one, that here the sovereignty is exercised by a woman. So notoriously do they degenerate not only from a state of liberty, but even below a state of bondage. Here end the territories of the Suevians.


Whether amongst the Sarmatians or the Germans I ought to account the Peucinians, the Venedians, and the Fennians, is what I cannot determine; though the Peucinians, whom some call Basstarnians, speak the same language with the Germans, use the same attire, build like them, and live like them, in that dirtiness and sloth so common to all. Somewhat they are corrupted into the fashion of the Sarmatians by the inter-marriages of the principal sort with that nation: from whence the Venedians have derived very many of their customs and a great resemblance. For they are continually traversing and infesting with robberies all the forests and mountains lying between the Peucinians and Fennians. Yet they are rather reckoned amongst the Germans, for that they have fixed houses, and carry shields, and prefer travelling on foot, and excel in swiftness. Usages these, all widely differing from those of the Sarmatians, who live on horseback and dwell in waggons. In wonderful savageness live the nation of the Fennians, and in beastly poverty, destitute of arms, of horses, and of homes; their food, the common herbs; their apparel, skins; their bed, the earth; their only hope in their arrows, which for want of iron they point with bones. Their common support they have from the chase, women as well as men; for with these the former wander up and down, and crave a portion of the prey. Nor other shelter have they even for their babes, against the violence of tempests and ravening beasts, than to cover them with the branches of trees twisted together; this a reception for the old men, and hither resort the young. Such a condition they judge more happy than the painful occupation of cultivating the ground, than the labour of rearing houses, than the agitations of hope and fear attending the defence of their own property or the seizing that of others. Secure against the designs of men, secure against the malignity of the Gods, they have accomplished a thing of infinite difficulty; that to them nothing remains even to be wished.

What further accounts we have are fabulous: as that the Hellusians and Oxiones have the countenances and aspect of men, with the bodies and limbs of savage beasts. This, as a thing about which I have no certain information, I shall leave untouched.

PAGAN FRISIA...The beginnings of Friesland FAMILY LINE OF FRIES part1


Friesland was one of the last nations to convert from their pagan religion, and this by force after under Charlemagne in the 8th century. Remnants of paganism continued for a few hundred years, and, like the rest of the Germanic peoples, elements of the old paganism were drafted into Catholicism to make it more palatable to the people. Elements like the excessive reliance on relics and saint-worship.

Pagan Frisia

by Catherine Buma

It is difficult to define ‘Frisian paganism’ as the religious practices of Western Europe usually varied from one area to another. In Frisia, each terp, (a raised settlement to avoid flooding), could have its own established rites, favourite gods, or shrines. In addition, there are few surviving sources that can define the heathendom of Frisia as it existed in ancient and early medieval times. However, from the artifacts and inscriptions found in Friesland today and elsewhere, it is apparent that while the religion of the Frisians was similar to their Germanic neighbours, it did contain elements that separated it from them.

In pre-Roman times, the Germanic tribes tended to imbue their immediate environment with divine powers. While the tree or stream itself was not divine, it could be inhabited by a spiritual presence. It wasn’t until the Germanic tribes were influenced by the Romans that power began to be invested in divinities with human characteristics and forms.

From the time of Constantine onwards, a concerted effort was made to Christianize the various ‘heathen’ peoples that inhabited much of Western Europe. Redbad, the leader of Frisia from 679 – 719 AD, is the greatest folk hero of the Frisians and was a devoted heathen. Previous to his rule, Christian missionaries had been let into Frisia. He soon saw to their expulsion and burned their churches behind them. After Redbad’s death, Charles Martel, ‘The Hammer,’ managed to defeat the Frisians at the Battle of the River Boorne in 734 AD. In the following years missionaries once again ‘converted’ the Frisians. This was only a superficial arrangement and almost certainly was mainly a lip service paid by the Frisian leaders. However, the church influenced the ruling class to stamp out the oral tradition of the Frisians by silencing the heathen priests and skalds or bards who had sung the epic poems of Frisia. It is reported that in 793 AD there was only one bard left alive, Bernlef. Most consider the actual defeat of heathenism in Frisia as the date when Charlemagne, Martel’s grandson, defeated the alliance of East Frisia and Saxony in 785 AD. However, it is interesting to note that when Charlemagne codified the laws of all the conquered people sometime after 800 AD, the Frisians produced not only the Lex Frisonium but also a pagan legend accompanying its creation. The tale revolves around the 12 Asegas, or ‘law-speakers,’ of Frisia. When asked for their laws, they inform Charlemagne that they cannot agree upon them and so he sets them adrift in a ship without a helm. After a time spent in prayer, a thirteenth person appears with them; a god with a golden axe, presumably Fosite, the god of justice, who proclaims Frisian law to the Asegas. It is obvious, then, that Frisian paganism existed well past the time of their ‘conversion.’

The Lex Frisionium, completed in approximately 802 AD, detailed the laws of the Frisians, many of which were based or ratified according to pagan tradition. Over the years, fixed actions, designed to evoke a certain outcome, had evolved. Rites involving transitions such as birth, maturity, death or fertility, including those designed to increase crop yield, are probably the most common. A child’s birth, for example, involved a certain ritual to grant it status as a member of the tribe. First, a child had to be raised from the ground and set upon the father’s knee where it was sprinkled with water. Up until this point, it was acceptable to kill a child without legal repercussions. Liudger, a Frisian and also Catholic missionary to his homeland, urged the bard Bernlef to baptize as many infants as he could as he traveled about Frisia. By this baptism, they were no longer at risk of being killed. In the Lex Frisionium, infanticide was still acknowledged under some circumstances, obviously a remnant of this tradition.

The religious beliefs of the Frisians were a form of Odinism or Asatru. Many of us are familiar with Odin and his pleasure palace at Valhalla for those honoured warriors, or Thor swinging his mighty hammer. The northern Germanic peoples, too, had their variations of these legends and gods and almost certainly told epic tales concerning them before their oral tradition was wiped out under the church and the Frankish empire. In Frisia, for example, it is known that Odin went by the name of Wêda. The Frisians named the central day of the week after him, Wensdei or Wernsdei. Even today we can see traces of Odinism in the days of the week. The god Tiu or Tiwaz to the Frisians became Tiisdei or Tiwesdei, our Tuesday. Donar was the ‘thunderer’ and was named Thuner by the Frisians and Saxons and so we have Thunresdei or Thunersdei. Frîjaor Frigg became Friday (Frigendei) and Sunday and Monday were named after the cult of the sun god and the moon goddess respectively, (Snein en Moandei).

Heathenism did not imbue moral principles to an individual. Instead, an individual functioned according to a system of obligations based on his given word.

Frisian god FreyaMarriage, for example, was an oath that bound two people together and so led to certain obligations that would then help establish a working society. This is why the swearing of an oath was so important to the Frisians. To break an oath almost certainly meant death

Despite the reorganization of their social structure from the 8th century onwards, the Frisians adapted and retained their place as a unique group amongst the peoples of Western Europe. And if the ancestor worshipping pagans were correct, Redbad is still with them in spirit.